Thursday, April 22, 2010

Scented things that shouldn't be

Our society has turned into one obsessed with cleanliness. Room sprays, new detergent, candles that smell like you could eat them. Scented tooth brushes and razors. Wait, a minute, what?

Yupppppppppppppppppp they exist!! Scented tooth brushes and razors. Don't believe me? Check out the tooth brush section next time you are out & about (or oot and a boot) and check it: literally you can because some of the toothbrushes have a scratch & sniff patch (yup, just in case you are not familiar with the smell of MINT).

Why, oh why does this exist? A scented tooth brush handle? I have thought about this for awhile, trying to come up with a reason as to why someone would purchase such a product. I don't know about you, but when I brush my teeth,I brush them so they are clean. I don't need to smell "clean teeth" I just want clean teeth!!

I recently looked on the back of a package of a four pack (4? wtf.) of scented toothbrushes and it doesn't say why they're scented just says "Minty fresh scented handle!".

Oh and there are also scented razors too. I must say that if you use scented shower products (i.e soap, shampoo etc.) combined with the heat infusing power of hot water, that your shower probably is already ranking at about a 10 out 10 on the scent in the shower scale- why does your razor handle need a tropical scent?

I tend to think outside the box a lot but this one has perplexed me. So until I find out why this is necessary, I will have to remain inside of the box. Which is unscented by the way.

Why job hunting is like dating-my perspective

Your palms are sweaty. You're worried about what you'll say, or how you will come across. You're wearing your best outfit. Your shoes may hurt your feet, but they're comfy and look good. You are anticipating for it to start. Am I too early? What's taking so long? Are they ready?

Job interview or date? Hard to tell right? Job hunting is much like dating for, what I have come to realize, quite a few reasons.Much like dating, when looking for a job you're looking for that one that inspires you, challenges you, makes you feel good. When reading job descriptions, you're looking at what a company or organization's attributes are, good pay, good work culture, do they have a good retirement plan? Similarly in dating, you're looking for the same things: what is his job? Does he have a sustainable income and can provide in the future? And lets be serious, looks matter. You wouldn't want to work for a company that you're not attracted to and for some people, you won't date someone you're not attracted to.

Now, on the flip side, company's/organizations (or potential partners) are looking for quality attributes in you. Your resume is your starting point for showing off your best qualities and really beefing them up; much like a first date.

A lot of times, dates and interviews start the exact same way: you begin by telling the other person a little bit about yourself.Interviews are also much like dates. It's where the other party and yourself are sending out your feelers to see if this is right.

Where do one-night-stands fit in you may ask? Well those are the jobs that you apply for because you're desperate and just do on a whim because the closing date is at midnight- spontaneous, random, and even if you get the job, it's doubtful you would even take it.

Job hunting, much like dating can both be highly focused on your ability to network. Perhaps a current co-worker knows someone you would be great with, or a friend knows of a good job that came up that is right up your ally.

After a good interview, perhaps like a great date, you're sitting waiting for them to call. As time passes you frustrate yourself with over-analyzing everything you said, you did and circumstances waiting for the phone to ring for some sort of conclusion, pat on the back or confirmation of your instincts being right that it went well.

Having recently graduated from school I have been involved with extensive job searching-resume writing-cover letter creating-resume circulating-waiting the phone to ring-activities. The more I do this, the more I thought how much job hunting and dating are similar. Not sure if this is a good revelation, or one that will just perpetuate the stress (good & bad), work, feelings and anticipation associated with finally finding a job.

For those of you searching for jobs, go ahead, kiss some frogs (i.e. apply for jobs) and soon enough your prince charming/princess will come (i.e. a great job)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

DIY Head Board Decals

This great idea hails from the blog decor8- fresh finds for hip spaces. I really like this blog- it shows up on my google reader all the time with really cute and inspiration ideas (you can never have too much inspiration! Just make sure to finish projects you start or you won't have fun!

One idea that caught my eye was the DIY Head Board decals. What's really neat about these is you can trace them and paint them the colour palette of your choice, or even cut out wall paper. Yes, it could potentially be a labour-intensive project but I think that it would really pay off and be a really personalized touch to any room.

Make sure to check out the "Faves" tab where you can find Book ideas, guest bloggers, contests & reader questions.

Enjoy :)

Childhood dreams come true!

When I was little I wanted two very important things: a She-ra sword and Penny's computer from Inspector Gadget. She-ra's sword you ask? Well what little girl doesn't want to be the Princess of Power? And Penny's computer? Well, she basically could do anything and nowadays it would be useful for any Internet based research or FaceBook creeping.

Guess what? My dreams have come true-well half true: the unveiling of the iPad. I had this epiphany the other day that my Penny computer in fact exists!

Based on reading articles and news stories, the reviews upon its release are mixed- its revolutionary with regards to technology (Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenbergbut used his to remotely govern while his flight was cancelled due to the Icelandic volcano) but many are knocking some of the features or lack thereof.

If you want to get your hands on one, and you live in Canada-although it was originally planned to be released in April, the date is now in May-which is almost here!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Add colour to any room!

So I've seen this idea in a few places and it is so great! Basically you take any glass, jar, bottle, vase etc., grab some tole paints ($1 @Dollarama to $1.75 at Wal-Mart or art stores). With this project you're painting the inside of the jar which gives it a really different yet polished look. Just pour some paint inside your item and then slowly move it around, covering the entire inside. Just add a little bit of paint at a time and watch where you're tipping (almost dumped a lot of paint all over myself, not cool).

I got this set of three jars at Wal-Mart for $1.60 (crazy cheap) down in the vase etc. section right by crafts. You can also easily do this to items you find at the Thrift Store or have laying around (i.e. a Mason jar?). These three jars only took a few minutes to make & I did it just while watching tv- so easy!

It's a really, really, ridiculously simple craft project and a great way to add a punch of accent colours to any room :)

Personalized Guess Who!

Sorry for being down & out for the past while- been finishing up yet another under grad degree- just one more exam! Yay!

Anyways, here's a really cute idea that I came across-a personalized Guess Who game! Who didn't/doesn't love Guess Who? Joe's bum chin, Maria's green hat! (Btw I'm talking about the original because they changed the new one...I know wtf?)

So, this idea was found at UCreate, another adorable,inspiring blog I came across. Anyways, this project is super easy- really great for kids to add in family members or their friends! For grown-ups- make it funny with funny characters in you or your friends lives!

Guess Who boards can still be bought at most major retailers but also keep an eye our for the original at Thrift Stores (yes, another plug for my favorite stores!).

Anyways enjoy this! So simple!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Life's simple pleasures & Quinn wish you a very Happy Easter weekend! May it be filled with chocolate, bunnies, chicks, eggs, skipping ropes, skip its, splash pants, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, grass and family!

Rock your socks off

Yes! Another posting about socks, or a pairing to my previous post (get it, pair of socks, pair of posts about socks.......?.......).Anyways I came across this posting on the blog Lemon Tree Creations which is a super cute blog and another one of my favs.this project addresses what I previously blogged about: random socks when you do laundry.

Now, this solution that they have come up with doesn't work for me, for, as you know, I don't even match my socks to begin with so that chance that there is even a matching pair in the same laundry load is quite small. But for everyone else out there: there's help! This blog was by Patrice (there's a few different contributors and each write on a different day of the week, which is a really neat!) and she created a cute sock sign that has clothespins attached to it so that you can hang up solo socks when they turn up. That way, when its better half shows up, you can match them up again! It solves the problem of having a sock drawer full of singles and no matches!

Although this isn't my style, I think it is such a cute idea! She also mentions how the sign can help cover up the common wire shelves that people have above their washer and dryer. Such a neat idea, so simple and so cute! So check it out and some of their other projects! :)

There I fixed it!

So I stumbled across this site, There I Fixed It, and it is awesome! Basically it's another one of those sites I love where people send in funny stuff! This time it is photos of people "fixing things". See above pictures, you'll know what I mean.

Having built tires as a student for four summers, I'm pretty sure that threading together a blown tire doesn't exactly jive with current safety standards- but you have to give the person credit, and bonus points for thinking creatively and using what you've got! On the other hand, some of the things you have to wonder what people were think and secretly hope that they aren't out there in the world procreating....

Anyways, check out the posts (perhaps add them to your google reader? :) ) and enjoy other people cutting corners in hilarious ways.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Knitting: Not your grandmother's hobby!

As you can probably tell, I quite enjoy doing crafts and crafty things. One thing I have tried to do but didn't quite get into was: knitting. Who doesn't love something handmade and knitted? New modern techniques and patterns allow for amazing and really cool things to wear! And for some reason, I'm sure of which can be proven scientifically, is that mittens that were knitted for you somehow keep your hands warmer-or perhaps your heart is just warmer? :)

Anyways! I have yet to dapple in knitted creations but really want to- it's one of this things that I've always wanted to do. It is an inexpensive hobby and something fun that you can do to keep your hands busy while you watch tv or pass time. Speaking of that, I came across this article: Idle Pastime: In Off Hours, Truckers Pick Up Stitching With Less to Haul, Drivers Try New Hobbies; Quilting in the Cab, on a blog I read. And yup, it's exactly what you think.

Basically the article is about truckers who, during the tough economy, have less haul and more downtime and have taken up quilting and knitting! I think my favorite quote from the whole article was this: "The fact that you can take strands of thread and basically make something out of it, that's awesome I think," he said. "It's pretty cool stuff, man." Beside the quote is a picture of him, Kevin Abraham-Banks, a trucker, and he is making a sweater for his wife! How cute is that?

Anyways, for those who would like to knit there is hope for you! You can: YouTube it and teach yourself, ask someone to teach you (most people who already know how to knit are more than happy to help you) or take a class (if you live in the city!). The Loop on Barrington Street in Halifax, offers a variety of knitting and crocheting classes (pre req for Beginner Knitting?: You can't knit.) The classes there cost around $50 and it includes your materials. I'm sure it's totally worth it and a skill you won't be able to put down :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Better After

This is my new favorite blog! And here's another plug for Google Reader- it was a suggested blog I would like based on blogs I'm already subscribed to! Oh, how right you were google reader!

Anyways, Better After is awesome because it is completely before & after pictures! Two of my favorite hobbies: taking something and repurposing it, and looking at what other people take and repurpose!

The blogger also encourages people to send in their own little projects which is really cool and another great way to share!

Basically this blog was the mother ship calling me home- so please if you enjoy my blog I guarantee you will enjoy this one!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Free Rice!

Not for you-people who need it! Here's the deal: you answer questions (vocab) and each answer you get right, you donate 10 grains of rice! I was passed along this site my the little bowl of rice in my life, my friend Cassidy (her blog: Noodles and Spice).

So, about this site:
FreeRice is a non-profit website run by the United Nations World Food Program. Our partner is the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

FreeRice has two goals:
Provide education to everyone for free.
Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

This is made possible by the generosity of the sponsors who advertise on this site.

Whether you are CEO of a large corporation or a street child in a poor country, improving your education can improve your life. It is a great investment in yourself.

Perhaps even greater is the investment your donated rice makes in hungry human beings, enabling them to function and be productive. Somewhere in the world, a person is eating rice that you helped provide. Thank you.

As of today,March 24th there has been 53,028,240 grains of rice donated yesterday. To date? Over 76 billion grains donated.


Seriously it works. If you're uncertain or have never seen any of these donating sites before, check out their FAQ to learn more- it's really neat! Help yourself, help others! Your brain=better their bellies-fuller!!

Thanks Cassidy for passing this along!! :)

Earth Hour 2010

It's that time of year again- Christmas for environmentalists and earth lovers- its Earth Hour 2010! For those of you who aren't familiar, at 8:30 p.m. Saturday night, wherever you are in the universe you shut off all your lights for one hour. It's so neat, so powerful and something that you can easily be a part of! Here is a little bit of history on Earth Hour from their site:

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.

Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet. So sign up now and let’s make 2010 the biggest Earth Hour yet!.

It’s Showtime! Show the world what can be done.

So neat! The website has a spot where you can create a virtual lantern as a symbol of your commitment to the cause- also you can send it along to a friend to engage them in the process! They even offer How-to Guides for businesses, bars and communities on how they can participate!

Think you are only one person and can't really make a difference? Well sign up to show your support and then you can see a map of the number of people on each continent who have made the commitment! Click here to sign up!

So Saturday night, don't read my blog, turn off the lights and enjoy the one hour of a major movement- literally of worldwide proportions! Also feel free to check out the WWF's website for more information and a Canadian perspective & their reasoning for you to participate: Political leaders have not yet negotiated a global deal on climate change. Demand action by joining the largest environmental movement in history.

This is more than a petition or a protest- it's action translated in showing what we want! Don't be the only house with it's lights on :)

A patchwork of comfort

The following is a piece I wrote about a prized posession for my advanced writing class- it will soon be turned into a podcast and perhaps I'll post it-but it depends on how much I hate hearing my voice! Enjoy :)

Even if I curl up as tight as I can, it barely covers me-but what it lacks in size, it makes up in comfort. I, as a 26-year-old woman openly admit that I still have a security blanket, or more affectionately known as “Blankie”.

Blankie was handmade with loving care by my grandmother in the anticipation of her first grandchild back in 1983. Although she has since passed away, Blankie is a special connection that I have to her. Although we were generations apart, sewing and quilting was a pastime we shared and bonded over and helps me appreciate the hours, days, months and love put into Blankies’ fruition.

At first Blankie was white, with bright blue pattern patches mixed with swatches adorned with ducks, rattles and other toys. Now, Blankie looks like the item that wasn't washed with the latest detergent: it's dark, dingy and stained. Let me assure you that my Blankie is a well-kept and clean item. However, with each wash in the machine, Blankie further deteriorates reaffirming that as I age, Blankie does too.

Blankie is my personal version of the Velveteen Rabbit, even as it becomes shabby; I love it all the same. My family over the years has moved around quite a bit and Blankie is that staple of comfort when I was somewhere new and unknown.

Blankie is my connection to my Nanny and it’s comforting to have it waiting for me when I get home. So, as not many people know of the existence of Blankie, it will continue to be my dirty little secret, or as I prefer my clean, comforting secret.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Like monies?

Great! Well here's a great resource for you: Fighting to be frugal- formerly the Maritime Penny Pinchers blog spot!

What is frugality? She actually talks about it: What makes you frugal?This lady is doing you a favor: giving tips, heads up on deals, and even frugal living tips!

My favorite part of her blog that I found was that she actually goes through the local grocery flyers on Fridays (when the new flyers start) and tells you the best deals from each! Seriously, this lady deserves a medal! She also gives you links to coupons, talks about some of the deals she finds (I love a deal!).

So if you like saving money, or hate physically shopping around, check out her blog- don't reinvent the wheel- she's helping you out! For users outside of the Maritimes- its ok! She changed the name to Fighting the Frugal to accommodate to shoppers and frugality seekers across the country :)

Also, take a look at this: Frugal Shopper Canada for coupons, flyers and contests!


Scherenschnitte, no I didn't sneeze, it's an art form!

Ok since I stumbled on Google Reader it has opened my world to a ton of new blogs so I'm slightly overwhelmed (but in a good, organized way).

I came across this site, Scherenschnitte inwhich the blogger makes beautiful paper cutting designs and even kindly offers free templates (more free stuff!). Scherenschnitte is actually German for "paper cutting" and the blog offers instructions, templates and shares a lot of the art. It's another good resource for making your own art as you can use the templates and patterns for all sorts of projects (i.e. the embroidered pillows).

I love this site because I am a huge fan of icons and silhouettes. She also has some really neat and intricate designs, including some inspired by Alice in Wonderland. So neat!

Anyways, enjoy the site, as I have, and make sure to give credit if you make anything and someone asks where you found the designs! Happy Scherenschnitte-ing!

New towels and fresh towels!

This post was prompted by a friends' mom's & my moms' friends' facebook post about being excited to have clothes off the line- so jealous! Clothes line dried clothes are truly a simple pleasure. I don't know what it is- the fresh smell, how the clothes are nice and crisp or even the environmental benefits, but clothes lined dry towels are so nice!

Another towel simple pleasure? New towels! I came across this posting Solid Colour Bath Towels, which suggests using towels as a nice way to add colour to your bathroom. It is particularly nice when you live an apartment and can't paint, it's also a nice way to feel grown up and get a set of matching towels! The best places I find to get towels (locally) are Superstore, Winners, & Wal-Mart.

Find more apartment ideas and inspiration at Apartment Therapy! So freshen up your bathroom with some new inspirations- spring is a great time to do it when you're doing your spring cleaning :)

Happy Toweling (yes I made that up...and yes you can use it)

Google Reader

My life just got easier, because of Google Reader! (wait, did I just rhyme and kind of make a poem?) Anyways, I was tipped off about Google Reader from my roomie (her blog: A Touch of Sound).

For those of you who already knew about this and used it: why didn't you share your secret!?!? For those that don't, onward ho:

Basically, I check about 3,000 websites and blogs a day. Ok so not 3,000 but sometimes it can be overwhelming to check everything and sometimes you waste time typing in the addresses or visiting a site that hasn't been updated since your last visit. Simply with your google account, you click on "more" on the Google Home page and then on "Reader". You add subscriptions that you want to know about (i.e. type in the web address of the website or blog that you follow) and it will add it to your list! Anytime there is an update, you can set your settings to have a number beside the title and bold so that you know how many updates there are since your last visit- then you decide if you want to check it, or save for later.

It's awesome because you can save a lot of time, organize your online frenzy's and keep track of what you read! It helps you keep control if you like to look at a lot of different sites! What's also awesome is that it keeps everything in ABC and you can have your mix of interests all waiting for you (i.e. feeling smart or newsy and feel like thinking analytically? Check CBC or Al Jazeera! Feeling like making something? What does Design Sponge or Noodles and Spice have on the go? Feeling tired, dumb and need something brainless that doesn't involve your drama and requires little effort? Check out Perez Hilton or fmylife!

All of the updates show up on the right hand side, or you can click on each site and it will show you the pictures and posts.
So needless to say, google is awesome and taking over the world, and rightfully so! Anyways,

Open letter to: Nickelback

Dear Nickelback,

I'm confused. Do people like you or hate you? It seems that in general, people have a strong dislike, even hatred if you will towards your band yet you sell-out concerts, make #1 hits and win awards. I am very confused by you!

I support you because you are Canadian but I am constantly confused by your popularity and coinciding unpopularity. Let's look at some facts:

You have sold over 30 million records; you're ranked as the 11th best selling musical act of the 2000s, and 2nd best selling foreign act in the US behind the Beatles (seriously, the Beatles!); you won best rockband of the decade according to Billboard magazine; your song "Photograph" was named one of the top 5 most annoying songs of all-time (you beat out the Hamster Dance, ..... ?); a Facebook group named "I bet this pickle can get more fans than Chad Kroger" and indeed it did; you have frequently been berated by Rolling Stone: ""All the Right Reasons is so depressing, you're almost glad Kurt Cobain's not around to hear it.", and ""If you're looking for originality, you might want a full refund instead of a Nickelback."; and finally Jam! Canoe columnist Darryl Sterdan named lead singer Chad Kroeger the second worst singer of all time, behind Scott Stapp of Creed saying: "Nickelback's frontman may not have invented that post-grunge moose-in-heat bellow he relies on, but nobody does it better than he does. And by better, I mean worse".

Anyways, just confused as I'm sure others are. Needed that off of my chest.



P.S. Chad- how do you permanently have terrible roots showing in your hair? Is this a conscious effort and fashion statement? Do you purposefully dye it this way?

Free Stuff!! & best meatloaf ever!

Now that I have your attention: FREE STUFF!!....seriously!

As a part of the Globe & Mails' Smart Cookie section, they have an article, Where to find free stuff. A favorite of mine is free samples! We always get too many bills, letters,boring stuff etc. in the mail so why not sign up and get something good for once!

One of my personal favorite free items is the Kraft What's Cooking magazine (link is to the online version). They have really simple and great recipes- using mostly Kraft products which are great because they are accessible, affordable and easy (I like easy, obviously). They also have a feature where you enter ingredients that you have, you select for what meal and they suggest a recipe! So neat!

Also, check out my favorite recipe of all-time, Favorite Meatloaf which primarily relies on a box of Stove Top Stuffing mix- so easy, so good and really yummy! You can also try making it in a muffin tin instead of a loaf pan to make little meat loafs that freeze really well!

Oh and while the meatloaf is cooking, freshen up your ipod with Meatloaf "I would do anything for love", awesome love ballad, and extra Meatloaf in your day, but no more calories!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A country song pour vous!

I am not one for country music. It's not my thing but, on a rare occasion, I find a wonderfully delightful country song, or pseudo-country as I refer to it (therefore it is not a full on country song liking), that I love.

Enter Lady Antebellum I Need You Now. I assure you, as a non-country music fan that this song is amazing! So pretty & sweet- good song to break up some of the other louder and harder songs on the ipod. Oh, plus it helps that they're all fairly smokin hot lol..

So check out the video, hope you enjoy and hope it makes an appearance in your play lists!

p.s. pseudo-country 1, cole 0.

Cleaning out your closet!

It is such a beautiful day here in Halifax today! Although it is only 5 degrees, it feels like 30 since we're just coming off of winter. Ofcourse, nice weather brings about spring cleaning.

I just wanted to share my experience related to spring cleaning- recently I cleaned out my closet (I have way too many clothes that I don;t wear) and brought them to a consignment shop. For those of you not familiar with consignment shops, basically you take your clothes that you don't want and they sell them for you. The standard amount is they keeo 60% and you keep 40% of whatever the item sells for. It's a pretty good deal if you don't wear the clothes and want to make a little bit of money. The shop I deal with, Put me on (Queen Street, Halifax) sets up an account with you and you can periodically check-in to see if your clothes sold. In my contract, I opted to have the clothes donated if they don't sell after a certain period of time ( a few months or so). It is really nice because they then donate your clothes to charitys that they have selected.

So, let the weather inspire you today to clean out your closet! Don't forget about other charities that also accept clothing donations such as The Salvation Army Thrift Store (in Halifax, they have student discount days!) and also the Canadian Diabetes Association who actualyl takes items that you donate (ps they will acutally send a truck to your house to pick stuff up if you arrange it!) and they sell it to Value Village (neat eh?) They also have those big red boxes in the parking lots found at Superstore. For more information on their Clothesline program as it is called, click here.

A little bit overwhelmed by your closet? Here is a site that offers a cool "box method" of how to sort your clothes and figure out what you actually need!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Own a piece of Canadian Parliament!

Over Spring Break, stemming from discussions on giant Canadian flags seen about, a friend tipped me off to an interesting little diddy!

You can actually put your name on a list to receive the flags that are flown on Parliament Hill! I copy and pasted the info below (check out the wait list time: 19 years for the small flag and 27 for the big flag!!!!!!!!!)

Anyways really neat, check it out and perhaps write in if you know what your address will be in 19-27 years :)

Canadian Flag
Add your name to the waiting list for a Canadian flag that has flown on Parliament Hill
To request a flag that has flown on Parliament Hill, you must send a written request with your name, complete home address, telephone number as well as your choice of flag.

The approximate waiting period is currently:

Flag Size Pole requirements Waiting period
Peace Tower flag 230 cm x 460 cm 10.7 m pole 27 years
East Block flag 137.2 cm x 274.3 cm 9.1 m pole 19 years
West Block flag 137.2 cm x 274.3 cm 7.9 m pole 19 years

Our policy is to give only one flag per household. As these flags are paid for by Canadian taxpayers, they are given to residents and are not sent outside of Canada. Should you move before having received your flag, it is your responsibility to notify our office of your change of address so that we may update your file.

To request a flag or to report a change of address, please contact PWGSC by letter, facsimile or e-mail:

Public Works and Government Services Canada
Office of the Minister
18A1, Portage III
11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC
K1A 0S5

Fax: 819-953-1908

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wanting the same side of the bed

Immediate annulment of relationship- it just can't work! One of you would have to suffer for t he rest of your life (even if you traded off days, someone is always hating life!).

Oh and the picture above? That's the solution to this if an annulment is too expensive (kidding p.s.)- the cheeseburger bed! There's no side- it's round!

Alright I'm being extreme! So if this is you, perhaps you could focus on making your apartment or house awesome to make up for the lack of sound sleeping by checking out Apartment Therapy, a cool website with ideas and solutions for people in apartments (or houses really).

It has a really cool feature where you can check out other people's houses in some trendy cities in the states. Basically it's my secret favorite thing to do (I'm talking about seeing people's houses at night and seeing what the inside looks like! Admit it, you do too. I'm not the only one)- except this is more socially acceptable and less invasive.

Enjoy peeping and getting ideas :)

Wedding Shower gift (sorry dudes :))

I stumbled upon this blog, First Comes Love, when I was googling a quote and it's a really cute blog, the lady is from Arkansas and also has a shop on etsy. Anywho, she blogged about a really cute idea for a wedding shower. And since I've come to the conclusion that I'm old, and that I am finding myself looking for ideas such as this, I've decided to share it!

Basically you pick one of your favorite recipes and put together a package or a basket that has all the non-perishable ingredients/utensils/instructions etc. so that when they happy couple returns from their honeymoon (probably sans groceries), they have a delicious meal just waiting to be cooked. And, as I know from some of my friends who have gotten married, some newly married women feel domestic and homey once married and love to cook- so this is a really cute idea!

Anyways, Jenn's blog is really cute, you can read about her telling about this present (the ingredient list is further up if you want to make her Deep Dish Spaghetti Pie recipe)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Profession, As Determined By Beard Length

When I need some brainless humor, I frequent Recently I stumbled upon this picture, which was obviously awesome and needed to be shared. So, if you're bored, don't want to think too much and want to laugh, check it out.

$5 pillow

So in light of the last post- I thought I would share one of my recent sewing endeavors- and it only cost $5 (actually less). So, it began with two plain brown napkins bought at the Thrift Store for $0.99 each. Then I printed off a simple icon picture of an elephant, cut it out, tape it on to the pillow and simply sewed around it. Afterwards,I put in a $2.00 pillow form that I also got at the Thrift Store (I washed it, don't worry), and stitched up the bottom!

It turned out really cute, cost barely anything and it's another nice way to inject colour that you like, plus now an icon that you like! (And from the picture, obviously one that my bunnie Quinn likes :))

Anyways, just an example from the previous post of how easy it is to make a cute little project!

Sew what!

Sewing seems to be a skill that our parents and grandparents were proficient at but something we only dappled in (grade 7 sewing class was the extent for some of us). So I, as an avid cross stitcher transfer some of my skills to sewing (there is a difference between the two). I've had a few conversations with some of my friends who have always wanted to learn to sew.

So, here I am compiling a few good resources for those who want to teach themselves to sew!

Martha offers projects (complete instructions, materials and tools lists), templates and help with techniques. March 30th, Martha is launching "Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts". I have yet to see it (obviously) but I do own her Encyclopedia of Crafts, and it's amazing and so easy to follow and I assure you that this will be as well.

Design*Sponge- I've already mentioned this in a previous blog, however they have some recent posts with Sewing 101 projects and techniques.

The best thing about sewing, is that you can learn by doing- making mistakes is ok-it's the best way to learn. If you want some cheap fabric to test on, check out: Walmart by the cutting counter- they often have scraps pre-cut for cheap prices, secondhand stores always have napkins and scrap fabric, and fabric stores always have good bargain buys.

For those who need some more structure, fabric store (i.e. Atlantic Fabric) offer sewing classes (a common pre req is complete lack of knowledge on sewing, so don't be scared!) Also, if you're scared- start out with a kids project to get familiar!

Anyways hope this helps to motivate you to sew!

Wordle speech from the throne

Ok so I did a previous post about Wordle, a really cool website where you put in words and pick colours etc. and it makes a collage of the words you put in- you can make great gifts and neat pictures.

Today while catching up on my news, I stumbled upon an article: A graphic look at what the Governor General said in which they put the words of Wednesday's speech from the throne into Wordle! The more times a word appears, the larger it gets, hence, a really neat way to look at what was mentioned most. Anyways really neat way to look at the speech and interpret what you personally think the size and appearance of certain words mean.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Swiffer Duster

No I do not secretly work for Swiffer or Procter & Gamble, I just seriously love this small investment I have made. I feel old after I use it because all I can think of is "When I was young we had to dust everything by hand!" But seriously, great invention- great for allergies, easy to use and a super simple pleasure! Investing in one is highly recommended!

Disclaimer: no I do not love dusting with it that much that I will come to your house and dust.

Oh and btw- I got a pink one which obviously makes it more awesome. Just sayin.

Waste Not, Want Not (WN2): If you’re not thrifty, you’re probably mean

Hi! I'm back! And I'm back with something unoriginal (not mine) it's someone else's! I stumbled upon this great National Post article: Waste Not, Want Not (WN2): If you’re not thrifty, you’re probably mean

This article is part in a series by Post writer Jane Macdougall who describes its background: WN2-
As in Waste Not, Want Not. Where thrift is not only the new black, but your new favourite colour.
Thrift: the quality of using money and other resources thoughtfully and not wastefully. The premise of WN2 is that thrift sorts out a whole bunch of our current problems.Better than a shiny new gadget, thrift will improve your life. It can make your bank account richer, your planet greener and your life waaaay cooler. Did I mention that it will also make you richer? Yes, thrift can do all that.

That’s because thrift is sleek and sexy and comes in one million fabulous flavours.

And yes, I said sexy. Because thrift is creative. And there’s nothing sexier than creativity.

WN2 is going to show you how better choices can deliver a better life on a greener planet.

Check out the article I found- and others in the series- guarantee you will learne something! Here's an excerpt:

"My relationship with stuff is more realistic now. A car is not a panacea; it's a means of conveyance. An expensive watch doesn't offer an extra hour in the day. Pricey lipstick doesn't make your kisses taste better. Thrift is proving to be instructive."



Friday, February 19, 2010

Spring Break!

So I've been in school for 8 years now (seriously...fml) and this is my last spring break!! I wrote my last midterm EVER the other day! For spring break im heading to toronto to see my friends, shop and do nothing!

In light of these plans, I will have a blog break. Yeah they exist. I just made it exist lol.

Anyways, have a happy week- I will be back with all kinds of goodies!!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Design Sponge diy project: valentine lightbulb

Here is a link to a really cute vday project (for any of those non-v-day haters out there!). It's really cute, really inexpensive and the directions are simple! Enjoy!

diy project: valentine lightbulb

An Open Letter to Amy Winehouse

This is a new section I'm going to start: An open Letter to: which will have open letters to people I see needing a letter from me. Enjoy!!

Dear Amy Winehouse

Dude what's going on? I think that you are a crazy crackhead, but you know what? It kind of works-you make great, catchy tunes. So, although I am not a huge supporter of hard drugs or encouraging alcoholism, it kind of works for you so I guess keep on keepin on?

Much love,
Cole xoxo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks

I can't believe I stumbled upon this blog: the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotations marks. It is sooooooooooooooooooo funny- mis use of quotation marks is so funny and actually quite common!

Please check this out if you want a laugh (laughter guaranteed), and make sure when you read them you read the quoted word with emphasis- it makes it funnier.

Make sure to check out the blogger's FAQ's.

The photos above are some samples, and the credit card one is one that my friend found when we were pumping gas on a road trip!

"Enjoy"............ :)