Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cleaning out your closet!

It is such a beautiful day here in Halifax today! Although it is only 5 degrees, it feels like 30 since we're just coming off of winter. Ofcourse, nice weather brings about spring cleaning.

I just wanted to share my experience related to spring cleaning- recently I cleaned out my closet (I have way too many clothes that I don;t wear) and brought them to a consignment shop. For those of you not familiar with consignment shops, basically you take your clothes that you don't want and they sell them for you. The standard amount is they keeo 60% and you keep 40% of whatever the item sells for. It's a pretty good deal if you don't wear the clothes and want to make a little bit of money. The shop I deal with, Put me on (Queen Street, Halifax) sets up an account with you and you can periodically check-in to see if your clothes sold. In my contract, I opted to have the clothes donated if they don't sell after a certain period of time ( a few months or so). It is really nice because they then donate your clothes to charitys that they have selected.

So, let the weather inspire you today to clean out your closet! Don't forget about other charities that also accept clothing donations such as The Salvation Army Thrift Store (in Halifax, they have student discount days!) and also the Canadian Diabetes Association who actualyl takes items that you donate (ps they will acutally send a truck to your house to pick stuff up if you arrange it!) and they sell it to Value Village (neat eh?) They also have those big red boxes in the parking lots found at Superstore. For more information on their Clothesline program as it is called, click here.

A little bit overwhelmed by your closet? Here is a site that offers a cool "box method" of how to sort your clothes and figure out what you actually need!

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