Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wanting the same side of the bed

Immediate annulment of relationship- it just can't work! One of you would have to suffer for t he rest of your life (even if you traded off days, someone is always hating life!).

Oh and the picture above? That's the solution to this if an annulment is too expensive (kidding p.s.)- the cheeseburger bed! There's no side- it's round!

Alright I'm being extreme! So if this is you, perhaps you could focus on making your apartment or house awesome to make up for the lack of sound sleeping by checking out Apartment Therapy, a cool website with ideas and solutions for people in apartments (or houses really).

It has a really cool feature where you can check out other people's houses in some trendy cities in the states. Basically it's my secret favorite thing to do (I'm talking about seeing people's houses at night and seeing what the inside looks like! Admit it, you do too. I'm not the only one)- except this is more socially acceptable and less invasive.

Enjoy peeping and getting ideas :)

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