Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lost:one earring

So sorry for any dudes who read this, but this one is for the ladies; unless you have both ears pierced....but that's an entirely different subject....

I have had my ears pierced since I was a baby. You would think, with so many years of collecting jewelry and earrings that I would have quite a collection (a quarter of a century of earring wearing!). Well guess what? I do have quite a few, earrings that is; not pairs.

You see, as many ladies can relate to, earrings seem to disappear. Some die via vacuum, a pet eating them, they fall out, they get lost somewhere, possibilities are endless.

So what I am left with is a lot of half earrings pairs. One earring. Lots of cute one earrings. So, I have three options.

Option 1: Start a new trend where you wear mis match earrings. I think it makes use of what you have, it could be cool, plus then it would match my socks mismatching (I rarely wear matching socks, I don't have time to dig around and find a pair that matches, it wastes too much time- so I save a lot of minutes cumulatively in my life by not matching my socks). So I think I might start doing this- feel free to join.

Option 2: Throw away the earring. What are the odds of finding the other earring? Seriously, what is it because like most Ladies out there, we hang onto that one earring in hopes of finding its mates, ah but alas, we attempt and fail at this reuniting of earrings. This leads me to option 3.

Option 3: Find the earring. This morning I put on a bracelet that I have not worn in months. Literally. It;s gold which I don't wear much but felt like changing it up so I chose this bracelet and went on my way to work. Saturday night I had planned on wearing the bracelet an matching earrings however, one earring was missing- so I stuck with option 2, keeping one rando earring.

I'm sitting at my computer this morning and my wrist gets stabbed. I look down, and tangled in the bracelet is: the other earring! hence the motivation for this blog because I thought about how stupid it is to hang onto earrings and then I prove myself wrong by after many months of waiting to be worn, the earring survives my walk to work and reveals itself in true stabbing fashion.

So, there are your options for all of those earrings you have out there. You must note that finding the long lost earring was an extremely rare occurrence but if you really like pair and are looking for the lost one, there is hope :)

Btw, my bday is in a month and 2 days so feel free to purchase me earrings, any will do, including ones like the ones in my picture :)

Happy hunting!


  1. so here's a story for you... my best friend and I went out to a bar one night, and this... not-so-well-liked girl came up to us. She was chatting and swooning and trying to be our bud...

    Then she says: "Oh my God, I love that you have the guts to just wear one earring! I think that's soooo cool!!!"

    My best friend was like, "What??? Where's my other earring???"

  2. lol!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!
    unknowing-trend setters are the best :)

  3. Hello, roamed over here from Jill Mader's Couchtime

    My mother always loses her earrings, and somehow she's never able to find them, but I am. I can't count the number of times she's asked me to help her, but I'm pretty sure the tally's way past fifty. Why do you ladies have to lose you earrings so often??? D=

    Do you hate it too?
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going."
    Holy Holism!

  4. funny, you have no problem wearing mis-matched socks - you never have a pair of matching socks on - so why not the same with your earring! love, Mom
    ps. also why I won't buy you expensive earrings ;)
