Sunday, January 10, 2010

Who rolls first to see who rolls first?

Here is one for ya: You're playing a bored game, doesn't matter who it is with or how many people. You're setting up the game, picking your pieces (who else loves being the thimble in Monopoly?). It's a game that involves dice- uh oh- who goes first. Simple kid rule: let's roll to see who goes first.

Funny how we fight over who rolls first in a game, but never who rolls first to see who gets to go first? Someone usually causally rolls, but rarely is there an argument over who does this first- even with kids there is rarely a fight.

That leads me to: kid rules. Kid rule are awesome. I'm talking about "calling" things, or "lick it, stick it, stamp it". How often is the argument "Well, she did call it" used and accepted? Quite a bit. It's amazing how kid rules are basically legally binding, verbal contracts that all parties involved accept if someone "calls it". I wish "calling it" worked in big kid and adult world.

Man I miss kid world......

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