Thursday, December 10, 2009

People plow

Working in a grocery store I see a lot of people with strollers. I feel bad for a lot of them because it is next to impossible to carry a basket or take a cart- so I feel for people who have to grocery shop with them.

I also very much respect that fact that strollers are a useful means of transportation, and often difficult to deal with (I can't imagine the difficulty of taking a cab or riding the bus for people who don't have cars).

So, kudos to mums and dads that successfully use this mean.

No kudos and a giant slew of swear words to people who use strollers as self-proclaimed people plows. Yes you have a stroller, yes they are sometimes difficult to maneuver, and I respect that fact that shopping is difficult, but please, don't use it to run me over or force me uncomfortably out of your way. I will gladly move, as I'm sure others will, but I think sometimes strollers are improperly used.

Perhaps a bell or some mechanism to alleviate this problem in society would be useful- or general respect on behalf of both parties for each others needs?

Can't we all just get along?

This is not an attack on stroller users and or/babies- but merely a vent sesh much like we vent about bad drivers. Don't get me started on bad drivers...

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