Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stranger danger

So I have another pet peeve: being approachable to strangers. I'm sure there are others who are like this but it's seriously a problem. Standing at a bus stop,on the bus, in a store- anywhere really, I somehow manage to get into conversations with people. Don't get me wrong,I'm by no means anti-social or a giant beyatch but sometimes it's like why do you feel compelled to talk to me right now? Even better, people still talk to you when you have headphones on. Dude, you made me take out my headphones so you can say "nice day out"? Bugger off I'm trying to get my groove on!

There are many situations where these random people feel compelled, obligated and entitled to strike up a conversation. Let's explore.

The elevator. It does not matter if you are going up two floors or fifteen, people feel that because yourself and them are in this 3 by 3 ft area, and have absolutely no escape that you are socially and conversationally bound. I have people comment on something I'm carrying "Oh hey what do you have there?" Um excuse me? None of your business? Who are you? Even if you are riding one floor that 6 seconds of silence and acknowledgment that you are in the elevator is instantaneously uncomfortable, but I assure you that awkward conversations are not the remedy.

The airplane. Um hi, we were randomly seated next to each other, I'm probably never going to see you ever again in my life, and don't get me wrong, but don't care if I do, and probably will never remember you. So don't ask where I'm going, where I'm from, what I do etc. Physical random placement beside me does not equal a new best friend; I assure you.

Again, don't get me wrong I enjoy conversing with people and learning about others, but these situations do not implicate me in a life long friendship with you.

We all grow up learning not to talk to strangers, yet we reach some right of passage where that apparently does not matter and all of a sudden it's game on. I'm going to go practice scowling and looking unapproachable....


  1. This is hilarious Cole. I feel somewhat the same way. I'm always finding myself in weird converstaions with random people. For example, yesterday at Zellers, a very old lady started to talk to me about Christmas ornaments and continued to do so for 10 minutes. I enjoyed talking to her until she said this time next year she'll probably be 6 feet under. Can you say AWKWARD? I had no idea what to say and said "oh don't be silly". Yes I said that.
