Sunday, December 6, 2009

Grocery store rant

I have a slight issue with flyers for grocery stores, particularly when they have a giant, and I mean like half a page, photo of raw meat! Does this entice anyone? Me? Not so much- show me a big cooked hamburger or a nice cooked steak-then I think mmmm steak- What gets me too is that the picture is so large! It is just a bug hunk of beef. See above photo, which would make you purchase beef on sale?

I can't even tell you how many times someone purchases one of those pre-cooked roasted chickens and on my break i just want to buy one and eat it. Not in a barbaric manner, I would use a fork and knife but still, all I want is one chicken-all to myself.

Also, as a cashier, I ring through about a billion products per shift (give or take a billion) and you end up with the most random cravings. Bags of marshmallows (um why?) jar of pickles, new kind of chips -- all kinds of junk that you don't really want but something sparks weird cravings and you end up buying them!

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