Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why job hunting is like dating-my perspective

Your palms are sweaty. You're worried about what you'll say, or how you will come across. You're wearing your best outfit. Your shoes may hurt your feet, but they're comfy and look good. You are anticipating for it to start. Am I too early? What's taking so long? Are they ready?

Job interview or date? Hard to tell right? Job hunting is much like dating for, what I have come to realize, quite a few reasons.Much like dating, when looking for a job you're looking for that one that inspires you, challenges you, makes you feel good. When reading job descriptions, you're looking at what a company or organization's attributes are, good pay, good work culture, do they have a good retirement plan? Similarly in dating, you're looking for the same things: what is his job? Does he have a sustainable income and can provide in the future? And lets be serious, looks matter. You wouldn't want to work for a company that you're not attracted to and for some people, you won't date someone you're not attracted to.

Now, on the flip side, company's/organizations (or potential partners) are looking for quality attributes in you. Your resume is your starting point for showing off your best qualities and really beefing them up; much like a first date.

A lot of times, dates and interviews start the exact same way: you begin by telling the other person a little bit about yourself.Interviews are also much like dates. It's where the other party and yourself are sending out your feelers to see if this is right.

Where do one-night-stands fit in you may ask? Well those are the jobs that you apply for because you're desperate and just do on a whim because the closing date is at midnight- spontaneous, random, and even if you get the job, it's doubtful you would even take it.

Job hunting, much like dating can both be highly focused on your ability to network. Perhaps a current co-worker knows someone you would be great with, or a friend knows of a good job that came up that is right up your ally.

After a good interview, perhaps like a great date, you're sitting waiting for them to call. As time passes you frustrate yourself with over-analyzing everything you said, you did and circumstances waiting for the phone to ring for some sort of conclusion, pat on the back or confirmation of your instincts being right that it went well.

Having recently graduated from school I have been involved with extensive job searching-resume writing-cover letter creating-resume circulating-waiting the phone to ring-activities. The more I do this, the more I thought how much job hunting and dating are similar. Not sure if this is a good revelation, or one that will just perpetuate the stress (good & bad), work, feelings and anticipation associated with finally finding a job.

For those of you searching for jobs, go ahead, kiss some frogs (i.e. apply for jobs) and soon enough your prince charming/princess will come (i.e. a great job)

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