Thursday, April 22, 2010

Scented things that shouldn't be

Our society has turned into one obsessed with cleanliness. Room sprays, new detergent, candles that smell like you could eat them. Scented tooth brushes and razors. Wait, a minute, what?

Yupppppppppppppppppp they exist!! Scented tooth brushes and razors. Don't believe me? Check out the tooth brush section next time you are out & about (or oot and a boot) and check it: literally you can because some of the toothbrushes have a scratch & sniff patch (yup, just in case you are not familiar with the smell of MINT).

Why, oh why does this exist? A scented tooth brush handle? I have thought about this for awhile, trying to come up with a reason as to why someone would purchase such a product. I don't know about you, but when I brush my teeth,I brush them so they are clean. I don't need to smell "clean teeth" I just want clean teeth!!

I recently looked on the back of a package of a four pack (4? wtf.) of scented toothbrushes and it doesn't say why they're scented just says "Minty fresh scented handle!".

Oh and there are also scented razors too. I must say that if you use scented shower products (i.e soap, shampoo etc.) combined with the heat infusing power of hot water, that your shower probably is already ranking at about a 10 out 10 on the scent in the shower scale- why does your razor handle need a tropical scent?

I tend to think outside the box a lot but this one has perplexed me. So until I find out why this is necessary, I will have to remain inside of the box. Which is unscented by the way.

Why job hunting is like dating-my perspective

Your palms are sweaty. You're worried about what you'll say, or how you will come across. You're wearing your best outfit. Your shoes may hurt your feet, but they're comfy and look good. You are anticipating for it to start. Am I too early? What's taking so long? Are they ready?

Job interview or date? Hard to tell right? Job hunting is much like dating for, what I have come to realize, quite a few reasons.Much like dating, when looking for a job you're looking for that one that inspires you, challenges you, makes you feel good. When reading job descriptions, you're looking at what a company or organization's attributes are, good pay, good work culture, do they have a good retirement plan? Similarly in dating, you're looking for the same things: what is his job? Does he have a sustainable income and can provide in the future? And lets be serious, looks matter. You wouldn't want to work for a company that you're not attracted to and for some people, you won't date someone you're not attracted to.

Now, on the flip side, company's/organizations (or potential partners) are looking for quality attributes in you. Your resume is your starting point for showing off your best qualities and really beefing them up; much like a first date.

A lot of times, dates and interviews start the exact same way: you begin by telling the other person a little bit about yourself.Interviews are also much like dates. It's where the other party and yourself are sending out your feelers to see if this is right.

Where do one-night-stands fit in you may ask? Well those are the jobs that you apply for because you're desperate and just do on a whim because the closing date is at midnight- spontaneous, random, and even if you get the job, it's doubtful you would even take it.

Job hunting, much like dating can both be highly focused on your ability to network. Perhaps a current co-worker knows someone you would be great with, or a friend knows of a good job that came up that is right up your ally.

After a good interview, perhaps like a great date, you're sitting waiting for them to call. As time passes you frustrate yourself with over-analyzing everything you said, you did and circumstances waiting for the phone to ring for some sort of conclusion, pat on the back or confirmation of your instincts being right that it went well.

Having recently graduated from school I have been involved with extensive job searching-resume writing-cover letter creating-resume circulating-waiting the phone to ring-activities. The more I do this, the more I thought how much job hunting and dating are similar. Not sure if this is a good revelation, or one that will just perpetuate the stress (good & bad), work, feelings and anticipation associated with finally finding a job.

For those of you searching for jobs, go ahead, kiss some frogs (i.e. apply for jobs) and soon enough your prince charming/princess will come (i.e. a great job)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

DIY Head Board Decals

This great idea hails from the blog decor8- fresh finds for hip spaces. I really like this blog- it shows up on my google reader all the time with really cute and inspiration ideas (you can never have too much inspiration! Just make sure to finish projects you start or you won't have fun!

One idea that caught my eye was the DIY Head Board decals. What's really neat about these is you can trace them and paint them the colour palette of your choice, or even cut out wall paper. Yes, it could potentially be a labour-intensive project but I think that it would really pay off and be a really personalized touch to any room.

Make sure to check out the "Faves" tab where you can find Book ideas, guest bloggers, contests & reader questions.

Enjoy :)

Childhood dreams come true!

When I was little I wanted two very important things: a She-ra sword and Penny's computer from Inspector Gadget. She-ra's sword you ask? Well what little girl doesn't want to be the Princess of Power? And Penny's computer? Well, she basically could do anything and nowadays it would be useful for any Internet based research or FaceBook creeping.

Guess what? My dreams have come true-well half true: the unveiling of the iPad. I had this epiphany the other day that my Penny computer in fact exists!

Based on reading articles and news stories, the reviews upon its release are mixed- its revolutionary with regards to technology (Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenbergbut used his to remotely govern while his flight was cancelled due to the Icelandic volcano) but many are knocking some of the features or lack thereof.

If you want to get your hands on one, and you live in Canada-although it was originally planned to be released in April, the date is now in May-which is almost here!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Add colour to any room!

So I've seen this idea in a few places and it is so great! Basically you take any glass, jar, bottle, vase etc., grab some tole paints ($1 @Dollarama to $1.75 at Wal-Mart or art stores). With this project you're painting the inside of the jar which gives it a really different yet polished look. Just pour some paint inside your item and then slowly move it around, covering the entire inside. Just add a little bit of paint at a time and watch where you're tipping (almost dumped a lot of paint all over myself, not cool).

I got this set of three jars at Wal-Mart for $1.60 (crazy cheap) down in the vase etc. section right by crafts. You can also easily do this to items you find at the Thrift Store or have laying around (i.e. a Mason jar?). These three jars only took a few minutes to make & I did it just while watching tv- so easy!

It's a really, really, ridiculously simple craft project and a great way to add a punch of accent colours to any room :)

Personalized Guess Who!

Sorry for being down & out for the past while- been finishing up yet another under grad degree- just one more exam! Yay!

Anyways, here's a really cute idea that I came across-a personalized Guess Who game! Who didn't/doesn't love Guess Who? Joe's bum chin, Maria's green hat! (Btw I'm talking about the original because they changed the new one...I know wtf?)

So, this idea was found at UCreate, another adorable,inspiring blog I came across. Anyways, this project is super easy- really great for kids to add in family members or their friends! For grown-ups- make it funny with funny characters in you or your friends lives!

Guess Who boards can still be bought at most major retailers but also keep an eye our for the original at Thrift Stores (yes, another plug for my favorite stores!).

Anyways enjoy this! So simple!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Life's simple pleasures & Quinn wish you a very Happy Easter weekend! May it be filled with chocolate, bunnies, chicks, eggs, skipping ropes, skip its, splash pants, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, grass and family!

Rock your socks off

Yes! Another posting about socks, or a pairing to my previous post (get it, pair of socks, pair of posts about socks.......?.......).Anyways I came across this posting on the blog Lemon Tree Creations which is a super cute blog and another one of my favs.this project addresses what I previously blogged about: random socks when you do laundry.

Now, this solution that they have come up with doesn't work for me, for, as you know, I don't even match my socks to begin with so that chance that there is even a matching pair in the same laundry load is quite small. But for everyone else out there: there's help! This blog was by Patrice (there's a few different contributors and each write on a different day of the week, which is a really neat!) and she created a cute sock sign that has clothespins attached to it so that you can hang up solo socks when they turn up. That way, when its better half shows up, you can match them up again! It solves the problem of having a sock drawer full of singles and no matches!

Although this isn't my style, I think it is such a cute idea! She also mentions how the sign can help cover up the common wire shelves that people have above their washer and dryer. Such a neat idea, so simple and so cute! So check it out and some of their other projects! :)

There I fixed it!

So I stumbled across this site, There I Fixed It, and it is awesome! Basically it's another one of those sites I love where people send in funny stuff! This time it is photos of people "fixing things". See above pictures, you'll know what I mean.

Having built tires as a student for four summers, I'm pretty sure that threading together a blown tire doesn't exactly jive with current safety standards- but you have to give the person credit, and bonus points for thinking creatively and using what you've got! On the other hand, some of the things you have to wonder what people were think and secretly hope that they aren't out there in the world procreating....

Anyways, check out the posts (perhaps add them to your google reader? :) ) and enjoy other people cutting corners in hilarious ways.